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MEMA Weighs In On NHTSA ‘Self-Driving’ Car Ruling

The legal analysis prepared for MEMA suggests that NHTSA may be moving toward recognizing self-driving systems as the vehicle’s driver for purposes of compliance with current safety regulations.

Autoliv Strengthens Involvement In Swedish Vehicle ICT Arena Initiative

Vehicle ICT Arena gathers automotive companies and industrial suppliers, as well as engineering companies, research institutes and universities, to create an open platform for innovation and competence supply, mainly within automotive IT. Partners With Mobile Comply To Offer Connected Vehicle Online Course 

The new course is intended to benefit professionals in those industries who are interested in enhancing their career by increasing their professional credibility with a foundational understanding of the connected vehicle concepts that are necessary to succeed.

Chemical Company Stahl Cooperates With Rinspeed For Interior Etos Concept Car  

The autonomous driving sportscar was unveiled during the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this past month.

Bosch Will Conduct Automated Driving Tests On Roads In Japan

With development activities getting under way, Bosch says the new team in Japan is benefiting greatly from the findings of their colleagues in Germany and the U.S., who have been working on automated driving since 2011.

IBM Study: Consumers Still Want Cars But Not Necessarily To Own Them

Forty-two percent of consumers said they were very interested in alternative ownership models.

Consumers Can Now Share A Vehicle In New Ford Credit Link Pilot Leasing Program

Ford Credit Link – a pilot program for Ford Credit customers in Austin, Texas – is aimed at consumers who don’t need a vehicle full time, but would like access to their own set of wheels.

Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn: Not So Fast On Car Sharing, Industry Consolidation

Technology, safety and the changing customer were topics discussed as the auto industry’s “Who’s Who” convene at the Automotive News World Congress, taking place Jan. 12-13 in Detroit.


FTC Announces Agenda And Panelists For Workshop Examining The US Auto Distribution System

The all-day event, which will take place on Jan. 19 in Washington, D.C., will explore critical issues in the regulation of auto distribution, with the aim of better understanding how state regulations impact the current market for these important products.

The Auto Evolution Is On Display At CES 2016

While the Las Vegas-based show officially runs from Jan. 6-9, news has been coming in since Monday. We’re here to recap some of the names that are making potentially big waves in our industry, including updates from Ford, Kia, Nvidia, GM and more.