Jim Franco on Being an Effective Leader

Jim Franco on Being an Effective Leader

Comparing past leadership styles, Franco remarks that leadership has shifted from a command-and-control approach to one of servitude.

Jim Franco emphasizes the fundamental principle of listening more than speaking. “The Lord gave us two ears and one mouth,” he notes. This approach not only fosters understanding but also builds trust within a team.

He asserts that a good leader must be someone people are willing to follow, which hinges on displaying gratitude, politeness, and thankfulness. “Culture starts at the top,” Franco explains, highlighting that a leader’s behavior sets the tone for the entire organization. He encourages leaders to regularly self-reflect and strive to treat others as they would like to be treated.

Franco underscores the necessity of clear communication about the company’s direction and goals. He believes that leaders often fail to adequately inform their teams about where they are headed and how each member contributes to achieving those goals. This transparency is crucial for fostering a sense of purpose and unity within the team.

Comparing past leadership styles, Franco remarks that leadership has shifted from a command-and-control approach to one of servitude. “Today, you have to lead them,” he states, advocating for a leadership style that involves guiding rather than dictating.

Gratitude plays a significant role in Franco’s leadership philosophy. He attributes much of his success to the gratitude he shows his team, stating, “Surround yourself with smart people and you’ll be successful, and if you thank them regularly, you’ll get even more from them.”

Franco also highlights the importance of trust in leadership. He believes that trust is built by consistently doing what you say you will do and respecting those you lead. “Respect is huge and it goes both ways,” he says, emphasizing that mutual respect is the foundation of a strong leader-follower relationship.

Jim Franco is the owner, president and CEO of Autologue Computer Systems and knows a thing or two about creating a successful business. In fact, he entered the workforce at age 11, making money mowing lawns, washing windows and delivering newspapers. By age 18, he acquired an auto parts store and grew his auto parts business into a multi-million dollar organization in the ’60s and ’70s. By the ’80s, he entered the software business, and bought Autologue, growing it in step with the industry’s needs.

Now as an octogenarian with 64-plus years in the automotive aftermarket, Franco has teamed up with us at aftermarketNews to launch a monthly video series, Connections with Jim Franco, presented by Autologue.

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